How Couples Increase Their Friendship Towards One Another.

Friendship is the key ingredient to a healthy relationship, and friendship can be achieved through many different means. One of those ways is by increasing fondness and admiration towards your partner. Other ways include complimenting them daily, telling them what you admire most about them, taking turns planning dates with each other, and being in the moment together. Doing these often will increase friendship and strengthen your bond with one another!

Complement your partner at least once a day!

Couples that complement one another are happier and more satisfied in their relationship. Compliments can be as simple as “I love your eyes” or “You’re so funny.” These expressions of admiration will make your partner feel special, loved, and appreciated. They’ll also help create a sense of intimacy between you two!

Every time you see your partner or think about them, tell them at least one thing you like about them, even if they’ve heard it a million times!

Again, it doesn’t have to be profound or earth-shattering, but a simple “I like your hair and makeup today” or “I like when you wear that cologne.”

Giving and receiving compliments are acts of love that can strengthen the bond between you and your partner. When we say positive things about one another, it makes each person feel fondly towards one another and creates feelings of admiration.

Even though these compliments can be simple, they also need to be specific - “I love that you’re always so supportive” instead of “you’re great.”

When you convey your thoughts and feelings to one another, it lets them know that they haven’t been forgotten or taken for granted. Compliments help build friendship between people who care about each other!

While compliments are helpful to both give and receive, they also need to be genuine. Make sure it’s authentic by really thinking about why this person is essential in your life.

What do you admire about your partner?

It’s easy to look at your partner and see flaws, especially in a heated argument. You might notice that they never pick up their dirty clothes or constantly leave the toilet seat up. But what about all of the things that you admire about them? Why is this quality so important? Why does it make them a good partner? And most importantly, what about this makes you love being with them instead of anyone else?

Whether the quality is friendship, loyalty, humor, their smile or something else, we must let our partner know why we admire this trait about them.

When you love someone, it is easy to take the good qualities for granted. What we may see as a small gesture or unimportant trait could be something that means the world to them. If we do this often enough and with enough meaning, our partners will know how much we care about them regardless of any flaws in our relationship.

At the end of the day, we chose to be with our partner for a reason. Whether we realize it or not, that’s a choice that we make everyday! We should make sure they are reminded of it. Sometimes this is just the “pick me up” we need when having a challenging day.

Take turns planning dates!

Relationships are a two-way street, and sometimes the best way to keep up with each other’s needs is by taking turns planning dates. By letting your partner take the reins every so often, you’ll be able to explore different ideas and work together on figuring out what makes both of you happy. It also means that there will always be new opportunities for fun or relaxation in your future!

Remember to keep it simple: You don’t have to plan anything too extravagant.

Dates are meant to be fun, exciting, and a break from the humdrum of everyday life. Some of the best dates are spur-of-the-moment ideas!

Be open-minded about what’s included in “date night.” It doesn’t always have to be dinner and a movie! You can also try cooking together or going on an adventure through the town as well!

While it’s not always necessary to plan something every single week, dates are an excellent way for both of you to get out and enjoy each other’s company. No matter how long you’ve been in a relationship, it’s vital to never stop dating one another.

Be in the moment

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and lose sight of what truly matters in our relationships. When we are too wrapped up in our own thoughts, we sometimes forget to be present with those who matter. But being fully engaged with your partner can significantly impact how you feel about yourself and your relationship. It doesn’t take much; it just takes some intentionality.

Put away the phones and tablets when you are talking with your partner. It’s hard to have a relationship with someone when you are constantly distracted by your phone or other things. Turning off all distractions lets your partner know they have your undivided attention.

Take turns telling each other one thing that’s on your mind right now- no matter how small the detail may seem.

Take the time to listen deeply to what they are saying without formulating a response in your head at the same time. This will show them that you care about their thoughts instead of trying to simply “fix it.”

Don’t try to convince your partner that they are wrong or right in what they say- just listen intently, then share how it makes sense to you. This opens up an honest dialogue where both people’s opinions and feelings.

Part of being in the moment is physical touch. Make an effort to touch your partner more often, whether holding hands while walking or giving them a quick hug and kiss before bedtime. This little bit of physical intimacy will help you feel better and more connected to your partner.

These are just a few ways you and your partner can increase friendship and love for one another. If you’re having trouble finding new activities to do together, try some of these suggestions! Don’t forget the importance of complimenting your partner at least once a day, telling them what you admire about them, taking turns planning dates with each other, and being in the moment when spending time with your partner. What will you add to this list? Share it on my Facebook page or tweet me @MBenavidezLMFT.

Matthew Benavidez, LMFT

Matthew’s passion for therapy began early on in his life. Working through his own trauma at a young age, Matthew knows what the healing process looks like from all sides. Matthew’s own healing has varied from adjusting through divorced parents all the way to religious trauma. This has helped Matthew become more empathic towards his clients from all walks of life. Rest assured that you will be heard in a secure, shame-free environment.

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